Health Justice Initiative

Creating more just and equitable healthcare, where people who are medically underserved can achieve optimal health and well-being.

HJI provides free or low-cost legal assistance to those who have experienced discrimination, denial of care, language barriers, medical debt, and lack of access to insurance or other resources relating to lack of access to medical care.

Nicole's Success with Health Justice Initiative

Nicole contacted HJI for advice about a personal medical situation. Following a diagnostic error by her physician which led to an unnecessary and traumatic medical procedure, she received a bill for $19,000. While she had insurance, her insurance did not cover the full amount of the procedure. Nicole is a single mother who also cares for her elderly mother. Paying this medical bill would prove to be financially devastating for her.

As a result of having this looming debt, she refused to seek any additional, necessary health care because she was concerned that she would have to pay if she returned to the hospital. She was also concerned that the debt would affect her credit and that she might lose the home where she lived with her mother and her young child. She was even hesitant to tell her attorney because of the shame and stigma associated with having gotten herself into such a situation.

Through discussions with the insurance company, the hospital, the physician, and using mediation strategies, Health Justice Initiative was able to remove Nicole's medical bill entirely. Sadly, Nicole's story is far too common.